Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Examples of accounting

Examples of accounting services include services provided by accounts payable employees, accounts receivable employees, staff accountants, and the accounting manager or controller. Some specific services performed by these individuals include keying invoice information into an accounting program, processing timely payment of invoices, recording receipt of payment for products sold, reconciling inventory usage and receipts, and creating financial statements. Examples of auditing services include services performed by the internal audit staff and the external audit company, usually a CPA firm. Some specific services performed by these individuals include determining the reliability and credibility of accounting reports and financial statements, and assessing risk control in various areas.

Examples of assurance services include services performed by the external audit company. Some specific services performed by these individuals include determining the relevance and timeliness of accounting reports and financial statements, and reviewing company internal controls to assess the effectiveness of those controls. As previously mentioned, assurance services may or may not be associated with financial information. Assurance services that are associated with financial information include auditing internal controls or reviewing historical financial statements. Assurance services that are not associated with financial information include Nielsen television ratings and information about businesses that is provided by the Better Business Bureau.

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